Monday, October 8, 2012

Assignment 6

      In this blog I would like to focus on religion and homosexuality.  This has been what we have focused on in class lately, and we even watched a video on it.  Homosexuality has always been a controversial topic and the sad truth is that it probably always will.  I do not think it has to be.  We as a country seem to be fueled by hate, and we are always looking for the next group to hate.
      I grew up in a catholic home.  We were never really the typical family of going to church every Sunday as a family.  I went to a catholic school from Pre-K all the way to the 6th grade.  The school was even ran by nuns at the time.  As a kid I never really understood the views that the catholic church took on many issues.  All I knew was that the church was supposed to be a place of acceptance.  My earliest views on religion was that everyone could be accepted and the golden rule of treating others as you would want to be treated applied.  Boy was I wrong.
      As I got older I started to look at the church in a more analytical fashion.  I started noticing that some things just did not seem right.  I thought this was a place of acceptance and tolerance but there was a clear model that if you did not fit, you did not belong.  One of these criteria for not belonging was being a homosexual.  I see no reason why who a person loves has anything to do with how or who they worship.  For the hardcore Christians, it was seen as a sin and they used the bible as justification.
      The movie we watched in class looked at different scriptures pointing out that homosexuality is a sin.  These few sayings are always being repeated over and over again by the same people who think it is wrong and all homosexuals will go to hell.  What they fail to realize is the language of the bible is different than today.  For example, the movie points out that abomination meant that something was "unnatural" or "not according to tradition."  It did not mean evil or going to hell or any other negative connotation.
      I just noticed that the church was full of hypocrisy.  I have never had an experience myself with the issue but the young lady that spoke in class shared her experience.  It just seems so wrong that a church can turn your back on you for one thing.  She even said that alot of churches are now starting up "healing" centers to try to heal homosexuals.  Multiple credible agencies and scientists have already proved that being a homosexual is not a choice and that you are born that way.  I just dont want to be a part of an organization that disregards information and does whatever it wants to.  One thing I do know is that this world is filled with hate.  Everything we do will be analyzed and there is no possible way to please everyone.  So in this hate filled world if you can find love with a special person, you should cherish it.  I believe in love, regardless of color, religion, orientation, or any other word used to separate people.